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Rezultati pretraživanja

Broj rezultata: 5

Autor(i):Schultze, Joachim
Naslov:Der spatromische Siedlungsplatz von Wiesbaden- Breckenheim, = Eine kulturgeschichtliche Interpretation aufgrund der nichtkeramischen Funde / Joachim Schultze ; Mit Beitragen von Martin Heck, Klaus Kerth, Andreas Schafer, David G. Wigg
Impresum:Malburg : Philipps - Universitat Marburg , 2002
Materijalni opis:203 str. : ilustr.,Table 63 ; 28 cm
Nakladnička cjelina:Kleine Schriften 53
Ključne riječi:Wiesbaden-Breckenheim
Signatura:908 SCHUL spa
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Odsjeka za arheologiju, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/arheologija

Naslov:Identities : race, class, gender, and nationality / edited by Linda Martín Alcoff and Eduardo Mendieta
Impresum:Malden, MA : Blackwell , 2003
Materijalni opis:xv, 428 str. ; 25 cm
Napomena:Bibliografija i bilješke iza pojedinih poglavlja. - Kazalo
Ključne riječi:grupni identitet * etnicitet * rasa * rodni identitet * nacionalnost -- karakteristike
Sažetak:Introduction: Identities: modern and postmodern / Linda Martin Alcoff. -Part I: Foundations : 1. Independence and dependence of self-consciousness / G. W. F. Hegel ; 2. On the Jewish question / Karl Marx ; 3. Consciousness and what is unconscious / Sigmund Freud ; 4. The self / George Herbert Mead. -Part II: Race/ehhnicity/ethnorace : 5. The conservation of races / W. E. B. Du Bois ; 6. The new negro / Alain Locke ; 7. Identity and dignity in the context of the national liberation struggle / Amilcr Cabral ; 8. The fact of blackness / Frantz Fanon ; 9. ehiteness as property / Cheryl I. Harris ; 10. New ethnicities / Stuart Hall ; 11. The Latino imaginary: eanings of community and identity / Juan Flores. -Part III: Class and identity : 12. Class consciousness / Georg Lukacs ; 13. Class consciousness in history / E. J. Hobsbawm ; 14. Preface from 'The making of th English working class' / E. P. Thompson ; 15. Introduction form 'Elementary aspects of peasant insurgency in colonial India' / Ranajit Guha. -Part IV: Gender/sexnality : 16. Introduction form 'The second sex' / Simone de Beauvoir ; 17. One is not born a woman / Monique Wittig ; 18. Throwing like a girl: a phenomenology of feminine body comportment, motility, and spatiality / Iris Marin Young ; 19. Mapping the margins: intersectionality, identity politics, and violence against women of color / Kimberlé Crenshaw ; 20. Gender trouble, feminist theory, and posychoanalytic descourse / Judith Butler ; 21. Revolutions, universals, and sexual categories / John Boswell ; 22. Sex before sexuality: pederasty, politics, and power in Classical Athens / David M. Halperin ; 23. Sexual indifference and lesbian representation / Teresa de Lauretis ; 24. Transsexual doscourses and languages of identification / Jason Cromwell. -Part V: National/transnational identities : 25. National identity and citizenship / Ross Poole ; 26. On the making of transnatinal identities in the age of globalization: The US Latina/op-"Latin" American case / Daniel Mato ; 27. Globalization as a problem / Ronald Robertson ; 28. Postcoloniality and the boundaries of identity / R. Radhakrishnan. -part Vi. Reconfigurations : 29. The clash of definitions / Edward W. Said ; 30. Cultural citizenship, inequality, and multiculturalism / Renato Rosaldo ; 31. Localism, globalism and cultural identity / Mike Featherstone ; 32. Universalism, particularism and the question of identity / Ernesto Laclau ; 33. A menifesto for cyborgs: science, technology, and socialist feminism in the 1980s / Donna Harraway ; 34. The epistemic status fo cultural identity / Satya P. Mohanty. -Afterword: Identities: postcolonial and global / Eduardo Mendieta
UDK:316.7(082) * 159.9 * 305 * 82.0
Ostali autori / urednici:Alcoff, Linda ; Mendieta, Eduardo
Signatura:316.7(08) IDEN
Inventarni broj:III-3201
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Odsjeka za komparativnu književnost, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Autor(i):Myers, David G.
Naslov:The American paradox : spiritual hunger in an age of plenty / David G. Myers ; foreword by Martin E. Marty
Impresum:New Haven : Yale University Press , 2000
Materijalni opis:XV, 414 str. : ilustr. ; 25 cm
Napomena:Str. 297-400: Bibliografija. - Kazalo
Ključne riječi:SAD * Sjedinjene Američke Države * 20. stoljeće * moral * društvo * etika
Inventarni broj:3490/07
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Odsjeka za povijest, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/povijest

Naslov:Neuropsychology of memory / edited by Larry R. Squire and Nelson Butters
Izdanje:2nd ed
Impresum:New York ; London : Guilford , cop. 1992
Materijalni opis:620 str
Napomena:Bibliografija iza svakog poglavlja. - Kazalo
Ključne riječi:amnezije * neuropsihologija * poremećaji pamćenja * pamćenje * pamćenje lijekovi
Sažetak:Section I. Studies of normal and abnormal memory in humans * A neuropsychological model of memory and consciousness / Morris Moscovitch * What are the functional deficits that underlie amnesia? / Andrew R. Mayes * The role of fluency in the implicit and explicit task performance of amnesic patients / Laird S. Cermak and Mieke Verfaellie * Awareness, automaticity, and memory dissociations / Jeffrey P. Toth, D. Stephen Lindsay, and Larry L. Jacoby * Memory dissociations: A cognitive psychophysiology perspective / Russell M. Bauer and Mieke Verfaellie * Selective knowledge loss in activational and representational amnesias / Elkhonon Goldberg and William B. Barr * The contributions of emotional and motivational abnormalities to cognitive deficits in alcoholism and aging / Marlene Oscar-Berman * The problem of "localizing" memory in focal cerebrovascular lesions / D. Yves von Cramon and Hans J. Markowitsch * Learning and memory in humans, with an emphasis on the role of the hippocampus / Raymond P. Kesner, Ramona O. Hopkins and Andrea A. Chiba * Functional significance of etiological factors in human amnesia / Alan J. Parkin * The "new" and the "old": Components of the anterograde and retrograde memory loss in Korsakoff and Alzheimer patients / Michael D. Kopelman * Transient global amnesia / Mark Kritchevsky * Detecting amnesia's impostors / Jason Brandt * Systems of motor skill / Daniel B. Willingham * Impaired priming in Alzheimer's disease: Neuropsychological implications / David P. Salmon and William C. Heindel * The mobilization of procedural learning: The "key signature" of the basal ganglia / J. A. Saint-Cyr and A. E. Taylor * Procedural and declarative learning: Distinctions and interactions / Mary Jo Nissen * The assessment of memory disorders in patients with Alzheimer's disease / Marilyn S. Albert and Mark B. Moss * Degraded knowledge representations in patients with Alzheimer's disease: Implications for models of semantic and repetition priming / Alex Martin * Semantic memory dysfunction in Alzheimer's disease: Disruption of semantic knowledge or information-processing limitation? / Robert D. Nebes * A transfer-appropriate processing account for memory and amnesia / Peter Graf and Karen A. Gallie * Age-related changes in explicit and implicit memory / Hasker P. Davis and Patricia A. Bernstein * Aging and memory: A model systems approach / Paul R. Solomon and William W. Pendlebury * Cholinomimetic therapy in Alzheimer's disease / Leon J. Thal * A strategy for studying memory disorders in multiple sclerosis / William W. Beatty * Posttraumatic and retrograde amnesia after closed head injury / Harvey S. Levin, Matthew A. Lilly, Andrew Papanicolaou and Howard M. Eisenberg * Implicit memory and errorless learning: A link between cognitive theory and neuropsychological rehabilitation? / Alan D. Baddeley * Rehabilitation and memory disorders / Barbara A. Wilson Section II. Studies of monkeys and rodents * The components of the medial temporal lobe memory system / Stuart Zola-Morgan and Larry R. Squire * The role of the hippocampus-fornix-mammillary system in episodic memory / David Gaffan * A hypothesis on primal long-term memory: Neurophysiological evidence in the primate temporal cortex / Yasushi Miyashita, Han Soo Chang and Koichi Mori * Aging, memory, and cholinergic systems: Studies using delayed-matching and delayed-nonmatching tasks in rats / Stephen B. Dunnett * The aging septo-hippocampal system: Its role in age-related memory impairments / David S. Olton and Alicja L. Markowska * Neuromodulatory systems and the regulation of memory storage / James L. McGaugh * Modulation of memory processing: Enhancement of memory in rodents and humans / Paul E. Gold * Toward a comprehensive account of hippocampal function: Studies of olfactory learning permit an integration of data across multiple levels of neurobiological analysis / Tim Otto and Howard Eichenbaum * The hippocampus and prefrontal cortex in learning and memory: An animal model approach / Gordon Winocur * Role of diencephalic lesions and thiamine deficiency in Korsakoff's amnesia: Insights from animal models / Philip J. Langlais * Thiamine deficiency as an animal model of diencephalic amnesia / Robert G. Mair, John K. Robinson and Susan M. Koger * Emotional memories in the brain / Joseph LeDoux * Analysis of aversive memories using the fear-potentiated startle paradigm / Michael Davis * Memory: A behavioristic and neuroscientific approach / Garth J. Thomas and J. M. Ordy * Beyond neuronal excitability: Receptive field analysis reveals that association specifically modifies the representation of auditory information / Norman M. Weinberger * Knowledge structures in temporally adaptive conditioned responding / John W. Moore Section III. Studies in birds and invertebrates * Memory, the hippocampus, and natural selection: Studies of food-storing birds / David F. Sherry * Studying stages of memory formation with chicks / Mark R. Rosenzweig, Edward L. Bennett, Joe L. Martinez, Jr., Paul J. Colombo, Diane W. Lee and Peter A. Serrano * On chicks and rosetta stones / Steven P. R. Rose * Molecular interrelationships between short- and long-term memory / Timothy E. Kennedy, Robert D. Hawkins and Eric R. Kandel * Analysis of short- and long-term enhancement produced by one-trial conditioning in Hermissenda: Implications for mechanisms of short- and long-term memory / Terry J. Crow * Snails' tales: Initial comparisons of synaptic plasticity underlying learning in Hermissenda and Aplysia / Gregory A. Clark and Erin M. Schuman
APA CC:2520
Ostali autori / urednici:Squire, Larry R. ; Butters, Nelson
Signatura:2520 92 NEU
Inventarni broj:9611
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Odsjeka za psihologiju, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/psihologija

Autor(i):Martin, David G.
Naslov:Counseling and therapy skills / by David G. Martin
Izdanje:2nd ed
Impresum:Long Grove, Il : Waveland Press , cop. 2000
Materijalni opis:313 str.d23 cm
Ključne riječi:psihološko savjetovanje
APA CC:3310
Signatura:3310 2000 MAR
Inventarni broj:75/2004
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Odsjeka za psihologiju, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/psihologija

Upit: PersonalName_swish=(Martin David G. )
